Source code for traval.detector

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .ts_comparison import SeriesComparison, SeriesComparisonRelative
from .ts_utils import unique_nans_in_series

[docs]class Detector: """Detector object for applying error detection algorithms to timeseries. The Detector is used to apply error detection algorithms to a timeseries and optionally contains a 'truth' series, to which the error detection result can be compared. An example of a 'truth' series is a manually validated timeseries. Custom error detection algorithms can be defined using the RuleSet object. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame timeseries to check truth : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional series that represents the 'truth', i.e. a benchmark to which the error detection result can be compared, by default None Examples -------- Given a timeseries 'series' and some ruleset 'rset': >>> d = Detector(series) >>> d.apply_ruleset(rset) >>> d.plot_overview() See also -------- traval.RuleSet : object for defining detection algorithms """ def __init__(self, series, truth=None): """Initialize Detector object. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame timeseries to check truth : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional series that represents the 'truth', i.e. a benchmark to which the error detection result can be compared, by default None """ # validate input series name = self._validate_input_series(series) if name is None: = "" else: = name self.series = series if truth is not None: self.set_truth(truth) else: self.truth = None def __repr__(self): """String representation of Detector object.""" return f"Detector: <{}>"
[docs] @staticmethod def _validate_input_series(series): """Internal method for checking type and dtype of series. Parameters ---------- series : object timeseries to check, must be pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. Datatype of series or first column of DataFrame must be float. Raises ------ TypeError if series or dtype of series does not comply """ # check pd.Series or pd.DataFrame if isinstance(series, pd.Series): dtype = series.dtypes name = elif isinstance(series, pd.DataFrame): dtype = series.dtypes.values[0] name = series.columns[0] else: raise TypeError( "Series must be pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame!") # check dtype (of first col) if not dtype in [float, np.float32]: raise TypeError("Series (or first column of DataFrame) must " "have dtype float!") return name
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset Detector object.""" for attr in ["ruleset", "results", "corrections", "comparisons"]: if hasattr(self, attr): delattr(self, attr)
[docs] def apply_ruleset(self, ruleset, compare=True): """Apply RuleSet to series. Parameters ---------- ruleset : traval.RuleSet RuleSet object containing detection rules compare : bool or list of int, optional if True, compare all results to original series and store in dictionary under comparisons attribute, default is True. If False, do not store comparisons. If list of int, store only those step numbers as comparisons. Note: value of -1 refers to last step for convenience. See also -------- traval.RuleSet : object for defining detection algorithms """ self.ruleset = ruleset d, c = self.ruleset(self.series) # store corrections, results self.corrections = c self.results = d # if compare is not False do comparison if compare: self.comparisons = {} base = d[0].copy() # if compare is not list, get all step numbers if not isinstance(compare, list): compare = d.keys() # do comparison for k in compare: # if k is negative, convert to step number from end if k < 0: k = len(d.keys()) + k # only do comparison for steps, not base series if k > 0: s = d[k] = self.ruleset.get_step_name(k) = "base series" if self.truth is None: self.comparisons[k] = SeriesComparison(s, base) else: self.comparisons[k] = SeriesComparisonRelative( s, self.truth, base)
[docs] def set_truth(self, truth): """Set 'truth' series. Used for comparison with detection result. Parameters ---------- truth : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame Series or DataFrame containing the "truth", i.e. a benchmark to compare the detection result to. """ self._validate_input_series(truth) self.truth = truth
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self, steps=None, truth=None): """Calculate confusion matrix stats for detection rules. Note: the calculated statistics per rule contain overlapping counts, i.e. multiple rules can mark the same observatin as suspect. Parameters ---------- steps : int, list of int or None, optional steps for which to calculate confusion matrix statistics, by default None which uses all steps. truth : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional series representing the "truth", i.e. a benchmark to which the resulting series is compared. By default None, which uses the stored truth series. Argument is included so a different truth can be passed. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame dataframe containing confusion matrix data, i.e. counts of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives. """ # get list of step integers if isinstance(steps, int): steps = [steps] if not isinstance(steps, list): steps = self.results.keys() # use truth if provided, else use stored truth if truth is None: truth = self.truth # get rule names rulenames = [self.ruleset.get_step_name(i) for i in steps] df = pd.DataFrame(index=steps, columns=["rule", "TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]) df.loc[:, "rule"] = rulenames base = self.results[0] = "base series" # loop over steps for k in steps: # if k is negative, convert to step number from end if k < 0: k = len(self.results.keys()) + k # only do comparison for steps, not base series if k > 0: s = self.results[k] = rulenames[k] cp = SeriesComparisonRelative(s, truth, base) # store stats df.loc[k, ["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]] = (, cp.bc.fp, cp.bc.fn, return df
[docs] def uniqueness(self, truth=None): """Calculate unique contribution per rule to stats. Note: the calculated statistics per rule contain an undercount, i.e. when multiple rules mark the same observatin as suspect it is not contained in this result. Parameters ---------- steps : int, list of int or None, optional steps for which to calculate confusion matrix statistics, by default None which uses all steps. truth : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional series representing the "truth", i.e. a benchmark to which the resulting series is compared. By default None, which uses the stored truth series. Argument is included so a different truth can be passed. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame dataframe containing confusion matrix data, i.e. unique counts of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives. """ steps = list(self.results.keys())[1:] # use truth if provided, else use stored truth if truth is None: truth = self.truth base = self.results[0] = "base series" # last step, skip in comparison as this presumably contains all NaNs last_step = max(steps) steps.remove(last_step) # get rule names rulenames = [self.ruleset.get_step_name(i) for i in steps] df = pd.DataFrame(index=steps, columns=["rule", "TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]) df.loc[:, "rule"] = rulenames for j, k in enumerate(steps): series_list = deepcopy(self.results) s = series_list.pop(k) series_list.pop(last_step) other_series = list(series_list.values()) mask = unique_nans_in_series(s, *other_series) s.loc[~mask & s.isna()] = -9999. # some random non-NaN number = rulenames[j] cp = SeriesComparisonRelative(s, truth, base) # store stats df.loc[k, ["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]] = (, cp.bc.fp, cp.bc.fn, return df
[docs] def stats_per_comment(self, step=None, truth=None): if step is None: step = list(self.results.keys())[-1] elif step < 0: step = len(self.results.keys()) + step if truth is None: truth = self.truth # get rule names rulename = self.ruleset.get_step_name(step) base = self.results[0] = "base series" s = self.results[step] = rulename cp = SeriesComparisonRelative(s, truth, base) stats = cp.compare_to_base_by_comment() cols = { "TP": 'flagged_in_both', "FP": 'flagged_in_s1', "FN": 'flagged_in_s2', "TN": 'kept_in_both' } df = stats.loc[cols.values(), :].transpose() = rulename df.rename(columns=cols, inplace=True) return df
[docs] def get_series(self, step, category=None): base = self.results[0] = "base series" series = [base, self.results[step]] if self.truth is not None: truth = self.truth series.append(truth) df = pd.concat(series, axis=1) if category is not None: idx = self.get_indices(category=category, step=step) df = df.loc[idx] return df
[docs] def get_indices(self, category, step, truth=None): s = self.results[step] base = self.results[0] = "base series" if truth is None: truth = self.truth cp = SeriesComparisonRelative(s, truth, base) if category.lower() in ["tp", "true_positives"]: idx = cp.idx_r_flagged_in_both elif category.lower() in ["fp", "false_positives"]: idx = cp.idx_r_flagged_in_s1 elif category.lower() in ["fn", "false_negatives"]: idx = cp.idx_r_flagged_in_s2 elif category.lower() in ["tn", "true_negatives"]: idx = cp.idx_r_kept_in_both else: raise ValueError(f"Category '{category}' not recognized, must " "be one of ('tp', 'fp', 'fn', 'tn')") return idx
[docs] def get_comment_series(self, steps=None): # get list of step integers if isinstance(steps, int): if steps < 0: steps = [len(self.results.keys()) + steps] else: steps = [steps] if not isinstance(steps, list): steps = list(self.results.keys())[1:] # get rule names rulenames = [self.ruleset.get_step_name(i) for i in steps] # get corrections corr = self.get_corrections_dataframe() if corr.empty: corr = pd.DataFrame(index=self.series.index, columns=rulenames, data=0.0) else: corr = corr.loc[:, rulenames] comments = [] for col in corr.columns: s = corr[col].copy() s = s.replace(0.0, "").replace(np.nan, col) comments.append(s) comments = pd.concat(comments, axis=1).apply( lambda s: ",".join(s[s != ""]), axis=1) comments = comments.replace(np.nan, "") = "comment" return comments
[docs] def get_results_dataframe(self): """Get results as DataFrame. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame results with flagged values set to NaN per applied rule. """ df = pd.concat(self.results.values(), axis=1) df.columns = ["base series"] + list(self.ruleset.rules.keys()) return df
[docs] def get_final_result(self): """Get final timeseries with flagged values set to NaN. Returns ------- series : pandas.Series Timeseries produced by final step in RuleSet with flagged values set to NaN. """ key = len(self.results.keys()) - 1 s = self.results[key] = return s
[docs] def get_corrections_dataframe(self): """Get DataFrame containing corrections. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing corrections. NaN means value is flagged as suspicious, 0.0 means no correction. """ clist = [] for s in self.corrections.values(): if isinstance(s, np.ndarray): s = pd.Series(dtype=float) clist.append(s.fillna(-9999)) # corrections are nan, 0.0 means nothing is changed df = (pd.concat(clist, axis=1) .isna() .astype(float) .replace(0.0, np.nan) .replace(1.0, 0.0)) df.columns = list(self.ruleset.rules.keys()) return df
[docs] def get_corrections_comparison(self, truth=None): if truth is None and self.truth is not None: truth = self.truth else: raise ValueError("Supply a time series for 'truth'!") comments_traval = self.get_comment_series() = "traval_comment" mask_truth_corrections = truth.iloc[:, 0].isna() comments_truth = truth.loc[mask_truth_corrections] k = list(self.comparisons.keys())[-1] comparison = self.comparisons[k].comparison_series() translate = { -1: "Value modified", 0: "Flagged in both", 1: "Only flagged in 'truth' series", 2: "Only flagged in 'traval' series", -9999: "NaN in both" } comparison = comparison.apply(lambda v: translate[v]) = "comparison_label" raw_index = (comments_traval.index .union(comments_truth.index)) truth.columns = ["truth_series", "truth_comment"] traval_series = self.get_final_result() = "traval_series" df = pd.concat([ self.series.loc[raw_index.intersection(self.series.index)], traval_series.loc[raw_index.intersection(traval_series.index)], comments_traval, truth.loc[raw_index.intersection(truth.index)], comparison.loc[raw_index.intersection(comparison.index)] ], axis=1) return df
[docs] def plot_overview(self, mark_suspects=True, **kwargs): """Plot timeseries with flagged values per applied rule. Parameters ---------- mark_suspects : bool, optional mark suspect values with red X, by default True Returns ------- ax : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axes objects """ resultsdf = self.get_results_dataframe() if "figsize" in kwargs: figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize") else: figsize = (12, 5) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(self.corrections) + 1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) for iax, icol in zip(axes, resultsdf): iax.plot(resultsdf.index, resultsdf[icol], label=icol) if mark_suspects: if icol != resultsdf.columns[0]: corr = self.corrections[resultsdf.columns.get_loc(icol)] if isinstance(corr, pd.Series): iax.plot(corr.index, resultsdf.loc[corr.index].iloc[:, 0], marker="x", c="C3", ls="none", label="flagged") iax.legend(loc="upper left", ncol=2) iax.grid(b=True) fig.tight_layout() return axes