API Documentation


class traval.detector.Detector(series, truth=None)[source]

Detector object for applying error detection algorithms to timeseries.

The Detector is used to apply error detection algorithms to a timeseries and optionally contains a ‘truth’ series, to which the error detection result can be compared. An example of a ‘truth’ series is a manually validated timeseries. Custom error detection algorithms can be defined using the RuleSet object.

  • series (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – timeseries to check

  • truth (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional) – series that represents the ‘truth’, i.e. a benchmark to which the error detection result can be compared, by default None


Given a timeseries ‘series’ and some ruleset ‘rset’:

>>> d = Detector(series)
>>> d.apply_ruleset(rset)
>>> d.plot_overview()

See also


object for defining detection algorithms

static _validate_input_series(series)[source]

Internal method for checking type and dtype of series.


series (object) – timeseries to check, must be pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. Datatype of series or first column of DataFrame must be float.


TypeError – if series or dtype of series does not comply

apply_ruleset(ruleset, compare=True)[source]

Apply RuleSet to series.

  • ruleset (traval.RuleSet) – RuleSet object containing detection rules

  • compare (bool or list of int, optional) – if True, compare all results to original series and store in dictionary under comparisons attribute, default is True. If False, do not store comparisons. If list of int, store only those step numbers as comparisons. Note: value of -1 refers to last step for convenience.

See also


object for defining detection algorithms

confusion_matrix(steps=None, truth=None)[source]

Calculate confusion matrix stats for detection rules.

Note: the calculated statistics per rule contain overlapping counts, i.e. multiple rules can mark the same observatin as suspect.

  • steps (int, list of int or None, optional) – steps for which to calculate confusion matrix statistics, by default None which uses all steps.

  • truth (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional) – series representing the “truth”, i.e. a benchmark to which the resulting series is compared. By default None, which uses the stored truth series. Argument is included so a different truth can be passed.


df – dataframe containing confusion matrix data, i.e. counts of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives.

Return type



Get DataFrame containing corrections.


df – DataFrame containing corrections. NaN means value is flagged as suspicious, 0.0 means no correction.

Return type



Get final timeseries with flagged values set to NaN.


series – Timeseries produced by final step in RuleSet with flagged values set to NaN.

Return type


get_indices(category, step, truth=None)[source]

Get results as DataFrame.


df – results with flagged values set to NaN per applied rule.

Return type


get_series(step, category=None)[source]
plot_overview(mark_suspects=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plot timeseries with flagged values per applied rule.


mark_suspects (bool, optional) – mark suspect values with red X, by default True


ax – axes objects

Return type

list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes


Reset Detector object.


Set ‘truth’ series.

Used for comparison with detection result.


truth (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – Series or DataFrame containing the “truth”, i.e. a benchmark to compare the detection result to.

stats_per_comment(step=None, truth=None)[source]

Calculate unique contribution per rule to stats.

Note: the calculated statistics per rule contain an undercount, i.e. when multiple rules mark the same observatin as suspect it is not contained in this result.

  • steps (int, list of int or None, optional) – steps for which to calculate confusion matrix statistics, by default None which uses all steps.

  • truth (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, optional) – series representing the “truth”, i.e. a benchmark to which the resulting series is compared. By default None, which uses the stored truth series. Argument is included so a different truth can be passed.


df – dataframe containing confusion matrix data, i.e. unique counts of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives.

Return type



class traval.ruleset.RuleSet(name=None)[source]

Create RuleSet object for storing detection rules.

The RuleSet object stores detection rules and other relevant information in a dictionary. The order in which rules are carried out, the functions that parse the timeseries, the extra arguments required by those functions are all stored together.

The detection functions must take a series as the first argument, and return a series with corrections based on the detection rule. In the corrections series invalid values are set to np.nan, and adjustments are defined with a float. No change is defined as 0. Extra keyword arguments for the function can be passed through a kwargs dictionary. These kwargs are also allowed to contain functions. These functions must return some value based on the name of the series.


name (str, optional) – name of the RuleSet, by default None


Given two detection functions ‘foo’ and ‘bar’:

>>> rset = RuleSet(name="foobar")
>>> rset.add_rule("foo", foo, apply_to=0)  # add rule 1
>>> rset.add_rule("bar", bar, apply_to=1, kwargs={"n": 2})  # add rule 2
>>> print(rset)  # print overview of rules
add_rule(name, func, apply_to=None, kwargs=None)[source]

Add rule to RuleSet.

  • name (str) – name of the rule

  • func (callable) – function that takes series as input and returns a correction series.

  • apply_to (int or tuple of ints, optional) – series to apply the rule to, by default None, which defaults to the original series. E.g. 0 is the original series, 1 is the result of step 1, etc. If a tuple of ints is passed, the results of those steps are collected and passed to func.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – dictionary of additional keyword arguments for func, by default None. Additional arguments can be functions as well, in which case they must return some value based on the name of the series to which the RuleSet will be applied.


Delete rule from RuleSet.


name (str) – name of the rule to delete

classmethod from_json(fname)[source]

Load RuleSet object from JSON file.

Attempts to load functions in the RuleSet by searching for the function name in traval.rulelib. If the function cannot be found, only the name of the function is preserved. This means a RuleSet with custom functions will not be fully functional when loaded from a JSON file.


fname (str) – filename or path to file


RuleSet object

Return type


See also


store RuleSet as JSON file (does not support custom functions)


store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions)


load RuleSet from pickle file

classmethod from_pickle(fname)[source]

Load RuleSet object form pickle file.


fname (str) – filename or path to file


RuleSet object, including custom functions and parameters

Return type


See also


store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions)


store RuleSet as json file (does not support custom functions)


load RuleSet from json file


Convert RuleSet to pandas.DataFrame.


rdf – DataFrame containing all the information from the RuleSet

Return type


to_json(fname, verbose=True)[source]

Write RuleSet to disk as json file.

Note that it is not possible to write custom functions to a JSON file. When writing the JSON only the name of the function is stored. When loading a JSON file, the function name is used to search within traval.rulelib. If the function can be found, it loads that function. A RuleSet making use of functions in the default rulelib.

  • fname (str) – filename or path to file

  • verbose (bool, optional) – prints message when operation complete, default is True

See also


load RuleSet from json file


store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions)


load RuleSet from pickle file

to_pickle(fname, verbose=True)[source]

Write RuleSet to disk as pickle.

  • fname (str) – filename or path of file

  • verbose (bool, optional) – prints message when operation complete, default is True

See also


load RuleSet from pickle file


store RuleSet as json file (does not support custom functions)


load RuleSet from json file

update_rule(name, func, apply_to=None, kwargs=None)[source]

Update rule in RuleSet.

  • name (str) – name of the rule

  • func (callable) – function that takes series as input and returns a correction series.

  • apply_to (int or tuple of ints, optional) – series to apply the rule to, by default None, which defaults to the original series. E.g. 0 is the original series, 1 is the result of step 1, etc. If a tuple of ints is passed, the results of those steps are collected and passed to func.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – dictionary of additional keyword arguments for func, by default None. Additional arguments can be functions as well, in which case they must return some value based on the name of the series to which the RuleSet will be applied.

class traval.ruleset.RuleSetEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

Rule Library


Combination rule, combine NaN values for any number of timeseries.

Used for combining intermediate results in branching algorithm trees to create one final result, i.e. (s1.isna() AND s2.isna())


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Contains NaNs where any of the input series values is NaN.

Return type



Combination rule, combine NaN values for any number of timeseries.

Used for combining intermediate results in branching algorithm trees to create one final result, i.e. (s1.isna() OR s2.isna())


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Contains NaNs where any of the input series values is NaN.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_diff_outside_of_n_sigma(series, n, max_gap='7D')[source]

Detection rule, calculate diff of series and identify suspect.

observations based on values outside of n * standard deviation of the difference.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • n (float, optional) – number of standard deviations to use, by default 2

  • max_gap (str, optional) – only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default “7D”.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_diff_ufunc_threshold(series, ufunc, threshold, max_gap='7D')[source]

Detection rule, flag values based on diff, operator and threshold.

Calculate diff of series and identify suspect observations based on comparison with threshold value.

The argument ufunc is a tuple containing a function, e.g. an operator function (i.e. ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘>=’, ‘<=’). These are passed using their named equivalents, e.g. in numpy: np.greater, np.less, np.greater_equal, np.less_equal. This function essentially does the following: ufunc(series, threshold_series). The argument is passed as a tuple to bypass RuleSet logic.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • ufunc (tuple) – tuple containing ufunc (i.e. (numpy.greater_equal,) ). The function must be callable according to ufunc(series, threshold). The function is passed as a tuple to bypass RuleSet logic.

  • threshold (float) – value to compare diff of timeseries to

  • max_gap (str, optional) – only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default “7D”.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_flat_signal(series, window, min_obs, std_threshold=0.0075, qbelow=None, qabove=None, hbelow=None, habove=None)[source]

Detection rule, flag values based on dead signal in rolling window.

Flag values when variation in signal within a window falls below a certain threshold value. Optionally provide quantiles below or above which to look for dead/flat signals.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to analyse

  • window (int) – number of days in window

  • min_obs (int) – minimum number of observations in window to calculate standard deviation

  • std_threshold (float, optional) – standard deviation threshold value, by default 7.5e-3

  • qbelow (float, optional) – quantile value between 0 and 1, signifying an upper limit. Only search for flat signals below this limit. By default None.

  • qabove (float, optional) – quantile value between 0 and 1, signifying a lower limit. Only search for flat signals above this limit. By default None.

  • hbelow (float, optional) – absolute value in units of timeseries signifying an upper limit. Only search for flat signals below this limit. By default None.

  • habove (float, optional) – absolute value in units of timeseries signifying a lower limit. Only search for flat signals above this limit. By default None.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Contains NaNs where the signal is considered flat or dead.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_funcdict_to_nan(series, funcdict)[source]

Detection rule, flag values with dictionary of functions.

Use dictionary of functions to identify suspect values and set them to NaN.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • funcdict (dict) – dictionary with function names as keys and functions/methods as values. Each function is applied to each value in the timeseries using series.apply(func). Suspect values are those where the function evaluates to True.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values (according to the provided functions) are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_keep_comments(series, keep_comments, comment_series, other_series)[source]

Filter rule, modify timeseries to keep data with certain comments.

This rule was invented to extract timeseries only containing certain types of errors, based on labeled data. For example, to get only erroneous observations caused by sensors above the groundwater level:

  • series: the raw timeseries

  • keep_comments: list of comments to keep, e.g. [‘dry sensor’]

  • comment_series: timeseries containing the comments for erroneous obs

  • other_series: the validated timeseries where the commented observations were removed (set to NaN).

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to filter

  • keep_comments (list of str) – list of comments to keep

  • comment_series (pd.Series) – timeseries containing comments, should have same index as series

  • other_series (pd.Series) – timeseries containing corrected/adjusted values corresponding to the commmented entries.


corrections – timeseries containing NaN values where comment is in keep_comments and 0 otherwise.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_max_gradient(series, max_step=0.5, max_timestep='1D')[source]

Detection rule, flag values when maximum gradient exceeded.

Set values tot NaN when maximum gradient between two observations is exceeded.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • max_step (float, optional) – max jump between two observations within given timestep, by default 0.5

  • timestep (str, optional) – maximum timestep to consider, by default “1D”. The gradient is not calculated for values that lie farther apart.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_offset_detection(series, threshold=0.15, updown_diff=0.1, max_gap='7D', return_df=False)[source]

Detection rule, detect periods with an offset error.

This rule looks for jumps in both positive and negative direction that are larger than a particular threshold. It then tries to match jumps in upward direction to one in downward direction of a similar size. If this is possible, all observations between two matching but oppposite jumps are set to NaN.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which to look for offset errors

  • threshold (float, optional) – minimum jump to consider as offset error, by default 0.35

  • updown_diff (float, optional) – the maximum difference between two opposite jumps to consider them matching, by default 0.1

  • max_gap (str, optional) – only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default “7D”.

  • return_df (bool, optional) – return the dataframe containing the potential offsets, by default False


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_other_ufunc_threshold(series, other, ufunc, threshold)[source]

Detection rule, flag values based on other series and threshold.

Set values to Nan based on comparison of another timeseries with a threshold value.

The argument ufunc is a tuple containing an operator function (i.e. ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘>=’, ‘<=’). These are passed using their named equivalents, e.g. in numpy: np.greater, np.less, np.greater_equal, np.less_equal. This function essentially does the following: ufunc(series, threshold_series). The argument is passed as a tuple to bypass RuleSet logic.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified, only used to test if index of other overlaps

  • other (pd.Series) – other timeseries based on which suspect values are identified

  • ufunc (tuple) – tuple containing ufunc (i.e. (numpy.greater_equal,) ). The function must be callable according to ufunc(series, threshold). The function is passed as a tuple to bypass RuleSet logic.

  • threshold (float) – value to compare timeseries to


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_outside_bandwidth(series, lowerbound, upperbound)[source]

Detection rule, set suspect values to NaN if outside bandwidth.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • lowerbound (pd.Series) – timeseries containing the lower bound, if bound values are less frequent than series, bound is interpolated to series.index

  • upperbound (pd.Series) – timeseries containing the upper bound, if bound values are less frequent than series, bound is interpolated to series.index


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_outside_n_sigma(series, n=2.0)[source]

Detection rule, set values outside of n * standard deviation to NaN

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • n (float, optional) – number of standard deviations to use, by default 2


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_pastas_outside_pi(series, ml, ci=0.95, min_ci=None, smoothfreq=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, savedir=None, verbose=False)[source]

Detection rule, flag values based on pastas model prediction interval.

Flag suspect outside prediction interval calculated by pastas timeseries model. Uses a pastas.Model and a confidence interval as input.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to identify suspect observations in

  • ml (pastas.Model) – timeseries model for series

  • ci (float, optional) – confidence interval for calculating bandwidth, by default 0.95. Higher confidence interval means that bandwidth is wider and more observations will fall within the bounds.

  • min_ci (float, optional) – value indicating minimum distance between upper and lower bounds, if ci does not meet this requirement, this value is added to the bounds. This can be used to prevent extremely narrow prediction intervals. Default is None.

  • smoothfreq (str, optional) – str indicating no. of periods and frequency str (i.e. “1D”) for smoothing upper and lower bounds only used if smoothbounds=True, default is None.

  • tmin (str or pd.Timestamp, optional) – set tmin for model simulation

  • tmax (str or pd.Timestamp, optional) – set tmax for model simulation

  • savedir (str, optional) – save calculated prediction interval to folder as pickle file.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_shift_to_manual_obs(series, hseries, method='linear', max_dt='1D', reset_dates=None)[source]

Adjustment rule, for shifting timeseries onto manual observations.

Used for shifting timeseries based on sensor observations onto manual verification measurements. By default uses linear interpolation between two manual verification observations.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to adjust

  • hseries (pd.Series) – timeseries containing manual observations

  • method (str, optional) – method to use for interpolating between two manual observations, by default “linear”. Other options are those that are accepted by series.reindex(): ‘bfill’, ‘ffill’, ‘nearest’.

  • max_dt (str, optional) – maximum amount of time between manual observation and value in series, by default “1D”

  • reset_dates (list, optional) – list of dates (as str or pd.Timestamp) on which to reset the adjustments to 0.0, by default None. Useful for resetting the adjustments when the sensor is replaced, for example.


adjusted_series – timeseries containing adjustments to shift series onto manual observations.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_spike_detection(series, threshold=0.15, spike_tol=0.15, max_gap='7D')[source]

Detection rule, identify spikes in timeseries and set to NaN.

Spikes are sudden jumps in the value of a timeseries that last 1 timestep. They can be both negative or positive.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • threshold (float, optional) – the minimum size of the jump to qualify as a spike, by default 0.15

  • spike_tol (float, optional) – offset between value of timeseries before spike and after spike, by default 0.15. After a spike, the value of the timeseries is usually close to but not identical to the value that preceded the spike. Use this parameter to control how close the value has to be.

  • max_gap (str, optional) – only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default “7D”.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


traval.rulelib.rule_ufunc_threshold(series, ufunc, threshold, offset=0.0)[source]

Detection rule, flag values based on operator and threshold value.

Set values to Nan based on operator function and threshold value. The argument ufunc is a tuple containing an operator function (i.e. ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘>=’, ‘<=’). These are passed using their named equivalents, e.g. in numpy: np.greater, np.less, np.greater_equal, np.less_equal. This function essentially does the following: ufunc(series, threshold).

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries in which suspect values are identified

  • ufunc (tuple) – tuple containing ufunc (i.e. (numpy.greater_equal,) ). The function must be callable according to ufunc(series, threshold). The function is passed as a tuple to bypass RuleSet logic.

  • threshold (float or pd.Series) – value or timeseries to compare series with

  • offset (float, optional) – value that is added to the threshold, e.g. if some extra tolerance is allowable. Default value is 0.0.


corrections – a series with same index as the input timeseries containing corrections. Suspect values are set to np.nan.

Return type


Timeseries Comparison

class traval.ts_comparison.DateTimeIndexComparison(idx1, idx2)[source]

Helper class for comparing two DateTimeIndexes.


Index members in both DateTimeIndexes.


index with entries in both

Return type



Index members only in Index #1.


index with entries only in index #1

Return type



Index members only in Index #2.


index with entries only in index #2

Return type


class traval.ts_comparison.SeriesComparison(s1, s2, names=None, diff_threshold=0.0)[source]

Object for comparing two timeseries.

Comparison yields the following categories:

  • in_both_identical: in both series and difference <= than diff_threshold

  • in_both_different: in both series and difference > than diff_threshold

  • in_s1: only in series #1

  • in_s2: only in series #2

  • in_both_nan: NaN in both

  • s1 (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – first series to compare

  • s2 (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – second series to compare

  • diff_threshold (float, optional) – value beyond which a difference is considered significant, by default 0.0. Two values whose difference is smaller than threshold are considered identical.


Compare series per comment.


comparison – series containing the possible comparison outcomes, but split into categories, one for each unique comment. Comments must be passed via series2.

Return type



ValueError – if no comment series is found


Create series that indicates what happend to a value.

Series index is the union of s1 and s2 with a value indicating the status of the comparison:

  • -1: value is modified

  • 0: value stays the same

  • 1: value only in series 1

  • 2: value only in series 2

  • -9999: value is NaN in both series


s – series containing status of value from comparison

Return type


class traval.ts_comparison.SeriesComparisonRelative(s1, truth, base, diff_threshold=0.0)[source]

Object for comparing two timeseries relative to a third timeseries.

Extends the SeriesComparison object to include a comparison between two timeseries and a third base timeseries. This is used for example, when comparing the results of two error detection outcomes to the original raw timeseries.

Comparison yields both the results from SeriesComparison as well as the following categories for the relative comparison to the base timeseries:

  • kept_in_both: both timeseries and the base timeseries contain values

  • flagged_in_s1: value is NaN/missing in series #1

  • flagged_in_s2: value is NaN/missing in series #2

  • flagged_in_both: value is NaN/missing in both series #1 and series #2

  • in_all_nan: value is NaN in all timeseries (series #1, #2 and base)

  • introduced_in_s1: value is NaN/missing in base but has value in series #1

  • introduced_in_s2: value is NaN/missing in base but has value in series #2

  • introduced_in_both: value is NaN/missing in base but has value in both timeseries

  • s1 (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – first series to compare

  • truth (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – second series to compare, if a “truth” timeseries is available pass it as the second timeseries. Stored in object as ‘s2’.

  • base (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame) – timeseries to compare other two series with

  • diff_threshold (float, optional) – value beyond which a difference is considered significant, by default 0.0. Two values whose difference is smaller than threshold are considered identical.

See also


Comparison of two timeseries relative to each other


Compare two series to base series per comment.


comparison – Series containing the number of observations in each possible comparison category, but split per unique comment. Comments must be provided via ‘truth’ series (series2).

Return type



ValueError – if no comment series is available.

Timeseries Utilities

traval.ts_utils.bandwidth_moving_avg_n_sigma(series, window, n)[source]

Calculate bandwidth around timeseries based moving average + n * std.

  • series (pd.Series) – series to calculate bandwidth for

  • window (int) – number of observations to consider for moving average

  • n (float) – number of standard deviations from moving average for bandwidth


bandwidth – dataframe with 2 columns, with lower and upper bandwidth

Return type


traval.ts_utils.create_synthetic_raw_timeseries(raw_series, truth_series, comments)[source]

Create synthetic raw timeseries.

Updates ‘truth_series’ (where values are labelled with a comment) with values from raw_series. Used for removing unlabeled changes between a raw and validated timeseries.

  • raw_series (pd.Series) – timeseries with raw data

  • truth_series (pd.Series) – timeseries with validated data

  • comments (pd.Series) – timeseries with comments. Index must be same as ‘truth_series’. When value does not have a comment it must be an empty string: ‘’.


s – synthetic raw timeseries, same as truth_series but updated with raw_series where value has been commented.

Return type


traval.ts_utils.diff_with_gap_awareness(series, max_gap='7D')[source]

Get diff of timeseries with a limit on gap between two values.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to calculate diff for

  • max_gap (str, optional) – maximum period between two observations for calculating diff, otherwise set value to NaN, by default “7D”


diff – timeseries with diff, with NaNs whenever two values are farther apart than max_gap.

Return type


traval.ts_utils.interpolate_series_to_new_index(series, new_index)[source]

Interpolate timeseries to new DateTimeIndex.

  • series (pd.Series) – original series

  • new_index (DateTimeIndex) – new index to interpolate series to


si – new series with new index, with interpolated values

Return type


traval.ts_utils.mask_corrections_as_nan(series, mask)[source]

Get corrections series with NaNs where mask == True.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to provide corrections for

  • mask (DateTimeIndex or boolean np.array) – DateTimeIndex containing timestamps where value should be set to NaN, or boolean array with same length as series set to True where value should be set to NaN. (Uses pandas .loc[mask] to set values.)


c – return corrections series

Return type


traval.ts_utils.resample_short_series_to_long_series(short_series, long_series)[source]

Resample a short timeseries to index from a longer timeseries.

First uses ‘ffill’ then ‘bfill’ to fill new series.

  • short_series (pd.Series) – short timeseries

  • long_series (pd.Series) – long timeseries


new_series – series with index from long_series and data from short_series

Return type


traval.ts_utils.spike_finder(series, threshold=0.15, spike_tol=0.15, max_gap='7D')[source]

Find spikes in timeseries.

Spikes are sudden jumps in the value of a timeseries that last 1 timestep. They can be both negative or positive.

  • series (pd.Series) – timeseries to find spikes in

  • threshold (float, optional) – the minimum size of the jump to qualify as a spike, by default 0.15

  • spike_tol (float, optional) – offset between value of timeseries before spike and after spike, by default 0.15. After a spike, the value of the timeseries is usually close to but not identical to the value that preceded the spike. Use this parameter to control how close the value has to be.

  • max_gap (str, optional) – only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default “7D”.


upspikes, downspikes – pandas DateTimeIndex objects containing timestamps of upward and downward spikes.

Return type


traval.ts_utils.unique_nans_in_series(series, *args)[source]

Get mask where NaNs in series are unique compared to other series.

  • series (pd.Series) – identify unique NaNs in series

  • *args – any number of pandas.Series


mask – mask with value True where NaN is unique to series

Return type


Binary Classification

class traval.binary_classifier.BinaryClassifier(tp, fp, tn, fn)[source]

Class for calculating binary classification statistics.

property accuracy

Accuracy of binary classification.

ACC = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

where - TP : True Positives - TN : True Negatives - FP : False Positives - FN : False Negatives


Calculate confusion matrix.

Confusion matrix shows the performance of the algorithm given a certain truth. An abstract example of the confusion matrix:

Algorithm |

|-------------------| | error | correct |

error | TP | FN |
Truth |---------|———|---------|
correct | FP | TN |


where: - TP: True Positives = errors correctly detected by algorithm - TN: True Negatives = correct values correctly not flagged by algorithm - FP: False Positives = correct values marked as errors by algorithm - FN: False Negatives = errors not detected by algorithm


as_array (bool, optional) – return data as array instead of DataFrame, by default False


data – confusion matrix

Return type

pd.DataFrame or np.array

property false_discovery_rate

False discovery rate.

FDR = 1 - PPV = FP / (FP + TP)

where - TP : True Positives - FP : False Positives

property false_negative_rate

False Negative Rate = (1 - sensitivity).

FNR = FN / (FN + TP)

where - FN : False Negatives - TP : True Positives

property false_omission_rate

False omission rate.

FOR = 1 - NPV = FN / (TN + FN)

where - TN : True Negatives - FN : False Negatives

property false_positive_rate

False Positive Rate = (1 - specificity).

FPR = FP / (FP + TN)

where - FP : False Positives - TN : True Negatives

classmethod from_confusion_matrix(cmat)[source]

Create BinaryClassifier from confusion matrix.


Confusion Matrix must be passed as an np.array or pd.DataFrame corresponding to: [[TP, FN], [FP, TN]], like the one returned by BinaryClassifier.confusion_matrix


cmat (np.array or pd.DataFrame) –

a 2x2 dataset with structure [[TP, FN],

[FP, TN]]


BinaryClassifier object based on values in confusion matrix.

Return type


See also


for explanation (of abbreviations)

classmethod from_series_comparison_relative(comparison)[source]

Binary Classification object from SeriesComparisonRelative object.


comparison (traval.SeriesComparisonRelative) – object comparing two timeseries with base timeseries


object for calculating binary classification statistics

Return type



Get all statistics in pandas.Series.


use_abbreviations (bool, optional) – whether to use abbreviations or full names for index, by default True


s – series containing all statistics

Return type


property informedness

Informedness statistic (a.k.a. Youden’s J statistic).

Measure of diagnostic performance, and has a zero value when a diagnostic test gives the same proportion of positive results for groups with and without a condition, i.e the test is useless. A value of 1 indicates that there are no false positives or false negatives, i.e. the test is perfect.

Calculated as:

informedness = specificity + sensitivity - 1.

property matthews_correlation_coefficient

Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC).

The MCC is in essence a correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted binary classifications; it returns a value between −1 and +1. A coefficient of +1 represents a perfect prediction, 0 no better than random prediction and −1 indicates total disagreement between prediction and observation.


phi – the Matthews correlation coefficient

Return type


See also


convenience method for calculating MCC

property mcc

Convenience method for calculating Matthews correlation coefficient.


phi – the Matthews correlation coefficient

Return type


See also


more information about the statistic

property negative_predictive_value

Negative predictive value.

NPV = TN / (TN + FN)

where - TN : True Negatives - FN : False Negatives

property positive_predictive_value

Positive predictive value (a.k.a. precision).

PPV = TP / (TP + FP)

where - TP : True Positives - FP : False Positives

property prevalence

Prevalance of true errors in total population.

Prevalence = (TP + FN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

where - TP : True Positives - TN : True Negatives - FP : False Positives - FN : False Negatives

property sensitivity

Sensitivity or True Positive Rate.

Statistic describing ratio of true positives identified, which also says something about the avoidance of false negatives.

Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)

where - TP : True Positives - FN : False Negatives

property specificity

Specificity or True Negative Rate.

Statistic describing ratio of true negatives identified, which also says something about the avoidance of false positives.

Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)

where - TN : True Negatives - FP : False Positives

property true_negative_rate

True Negative Rate. Synonym for specificity.

See specificity for description.

property true_positive_rate

True Positive Rate. Synonym for sensitivity.

See sensitiviy for description.


class traval.plots.ComparisonPlots(cp)[source]

Mix-in class for plots for comparing timeseries.

plot_relative_comparison(mark_unique=True, mark_different=True, mark_identical=True, mark_introduced=False, ax=None)[source]

Plot comparison between two timeseries relative to base timeseries.

  • mark_unique (bool, optional) – mark unique observations with colored X’s, by default True

  • mark_different (bool, optional) – highlight where series are different in red, by default True

  • mark_identical (bool, optional) – highlight where series are identical with green, by default True

  • mark_introduced (bool, optional) – mark observations that are not in the base timeseries with X’s, by default False

  • ax (axis, optional) – axis to plot on, by default None


ax – axis handle

Return type


plot_series_comparison(mark_unique=True, mark_different=True, mark_identical=True, ax=None)[source]

Plot comparison between two timeseries.

  • mark_unique (bool, optional) – mark unique values with colored X’s, by default True

  • mark_different (bool, optional) – highlight where timeseries differ with red, by default True

  • mark_identical (bool, optional) – highlight where timeseries are identical with green, by default True

  • ax (axis, optional) – axis object to plot on, by default None


ax – axis object

Return type



Reset color_dict to default values.

update_color_dict(key, color=None, alpha=None)[source]

Update colors for plots.

  • key (str) – name of category to update, see ComparisonPlots.color_dict.keys() for options

  • color (str, optional) – color name, by default None

  • alpha (float, optional) – alpha value, by default None

traval.plots.det_plot(fpr, fnr, labels, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Detection Error Tradeoff plot.

Adapted from scikitlearn DetCurveDisplay.

  • fpr (list or value or array) – false positive rate. If passed as a list loops through each entry and plots it. Otherwise just plots the array or value.

  • fnr (list or value or array) – false negative rate. If passed as a list loops through each entry and plots it. Otherwise just plots the array or value.

  • labels (list or str) – label for each fpr/fnr entry.

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional) – axes handle to plot on, by default None, which creates a new figure


ax – axes handle

Return type


traval.plots.roc_plot(tpr, fpr, labels, colors=None, ax=None, plot_diagonal=True, colorbar_label=None, **kwargs)[source]

Receiver operator characteristic plot.

Plots the false positive rate (x-axis) versus the true positive rate (y-axis). The ‘tpr’ and ‘fpr’ can be passed as: - values: outcome of a single error detection algorithm - arrays: outcomes of error detection algorithm in which a detection

parameter is varied.

  • lists: for passing multiple results, entries can be values or arrays, as listed above.

  • tpr (list or value or array) – true positive rate. If passed as a list loops through each entry and plots it. Otherwise just plots the array or value.

  • fpr (list or value or array) – false positive rate. If passed as a list loops through each entry and plots it. Otherwise just plots the array or value.

  • labels (list or str) – label for each tpr/fpr entry.

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional) – axes to plot on, default is None, which creates new figure

  • plot_diagonal (bool, optional) – whether to plot the diagonal (useful for combining multiple ROC plots)

  • **kwargs – passed to ax.scatter


ax – axes instance

Return type
