Source code for traval.ruleset

import json
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import rulelib

[docs]class RuleSetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, o): if callable(o): return "func:" + o.__name__ elif isinstance(o, pd.Series): return "series:" + o.to_json(date_format="iso", orient="split") elif isinstance(o, pd.DataFrame): # Necessary to maintain order when using the JSON format! return "dataframe:" + o.to_json(orient="index") elif pd.isna(o): return None else: return super(RuleSetEncoder, self).default(o)
def ruleset_hook(obj): for key, value in obj.items(): if str(value).startswith("func:"): # from rlib funcname = value.split(":")[1] try: val = getattr(rulelib, funcname) except AttributeError: warnings.warn(f"Could not load function {funcname} " "from `traval.rulelib`!") val = funcname obj[key] = val elif key in ['ufunc']: # numpy functions funcname = value[0].split(":")[1] try: val = getattr(np, funcname) except AttributeError: warnings.warn(f"Could not load function {funcname} " "from `numpy`!") val = (funcname,) obj[key] = (val,) elif str(value).startswith("series:"): try: value = value[7:] # strip 'series:' obj[key] = pd.read_json(value, typ='series', orient="split") except Exception: obj[key] = value if isinstance(obj[key], pd.Series): obj[key].index = obj[key].index.tz_localize(None) elif str(value).startswith("dataframe:"): # Necessary to maintain order when using the JSON format! value = value[9:] # strip 'dataframe:' value = json.loads(value, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) df = pd.DataFrame(data=value, columns=value.keys()).T obj[key] = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore") else: try: obj[key] = json.loads(value, object_hook=ruleset_hook) except Exception: obj[key] = value return obj
[docs]class RuleSet: """Create RuleSet object for storing detection rules. The RuleSet object stores detection rules and other relevant information in a dictionary. The order in which rules are carried out, the functions that parse the timeseries, the extra arguments required by those functions are all stored together. The detection functions must take a series as the first argument, and return a series with corrections based on the detection rule. In the corrections series invalid values are set to np.nan, and adjustments are defined with a float. No change is defined as 0. Extra keyword arguments for the function can be passed through a kwargs dictionary. These kwargs are also allowed to contain functions. These functions must return some value based on the name of the series. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional name of the RuleSet, by default None Examples -------- Given two detection functions 'foo' and 'bar': >>> rset = RuleSet(name="foobar") >>> rset.add_rule("foo", foo, apply_to=0) # add rule 1 >>> rset.add_rule("bar", bar, apply_to=1, kwargs={"n": 2}) # add rule 2 >>> print(rset) # print overview of rules """ def __init__(self, name=None): """Create RuleSet object for storing detection rules. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional name of the RuleSet, by default None """ self.rules = OrderedDict() = name if name is not None else "" def __repr__(self): """String representation of object.""" description = f"RuleSet: '{}'" header = " {step:>4}: {name:<15} {apply_to:<8}".format( step="step", name="name", apply_to="apply_to") rows = [] tmplt = " {step:>4g}: {name:<15} {apply_to:>8}" for i, (inam, irow) in enumerate(self.rules.items()): rows.append(tmplt.format(step=i + 1, name=inam[:15], apply_to=str(irow["apply_to"]))) return "\n".join([description, header] + rows) def __call__(self, series): """Apply ruleset to series. Parameters ---------- series : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame timeseries to apply rules to Returns ------- d : OrderedDict Dictionary containing resulting timeseries after applying rules. Keys represent step numbers (0 is the original series, 1 the outcome of rule #1, etc.) c : OrderedDict Dictionary containing corrections to timeseries based on rules Keys represent step numbers (1 contains the corrections based on rule #1, etc.). When no correction is available, step contains the value 0. """ return self._applyself(series)
[docs] def add_rule(self, name, func, apply_to=None, kwargs=None): """Add rule to RuleSet. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the rule func : callable function that takes series as input and returns a correction series. apply_to : int or tuple of ints, optional series to apply the rule to, by default None, which defaults to the original series. E.g. 0 is the original series, 1 is the result of step 1, etc. If a tuple of ints is passed, the results of those steps are collected and passed to func. kwargs : dict, optional dictionary of additional keyword arguments for func, by default None. Additional arguments can be functions as well, in which case they must return some value based on the name of the series to which the RuleSet will be applied. """ self.rules[name] = {"name": name, "func": func, "apply_to": apply_to, "kwargs": kwargs}
[docs] def del_rule(self, name): """Delete rule from RuleSet. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the rule to delete """ self.rules.pop(name)
# logger.debug(f"Removed {name} from ruleset!")
[docs] def update_rule(self, name, func, apply_to=None, kwargs=None): """Update rule in RuleSet. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the rule func : callable function that takes series as input and returns a correction series. apply_to : int or tuple of ints, optional series to apply the rule to, by default None, which defaults to the original series. E.g. 0 is the original series, 1 is the result of step 1, etc. If a tuple of ints is passed, the results of those steps are collected and passed to func. kwargs : dict, optional dictionary of additional keyword arguments for func, by default None. Additional arguments can be functions as well, in which case they must return some value based on the name of the series to which the RuleSet will be applied. """ if name not in self.rules.keys(): raise KeyError("No rule by that name in RuleSet!") self.rules.update({name: {"name": name, "func": func, "apply_to": apply_to, "kwargs": kwargs}})
def get_step_name(self, istep): if istep > 0: n = list(self.rules.keys())[istep - 1] elif istep == 0: n = "base series" else: # negative step counts from end n = list(self.rules.keys())[istep] return n
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Convert RuleSet to pandas.DataFrame. Returns ------- rdf : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing all the information from the RuleSet """ rules = self.rules.values() rdf = pd.DataFrame(rules, index=range(1, len(rules) + 1)) = "step" return rdf
def get_parameters(self): cols = ["rulename", "step", "func", "parameter", "value"] params = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) counter = 0 for rnam, irule in self.rules.items(): if irule["kwargs"] is None: continue for name, value in irule["kwargs"].items(): params.loc[counter, cols] = \ rnam, irule["apply_to"], irule["func"], name, value counter += 1 return params @staticmethod def _parse_kwargs(kwargs, name=None): """Internal method, parse keyword arguments dictionary. Iterates over keys, values in kwargs dictionary. If value is callable, calls value with 'name' as function argument. The result is stored in a new dictionary with the original key. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict dictionary of arguments name: str, optional function argument for callable kwargs (usually a series name) Returns ------- dict dictionary of parsed arguments """ new_args = dict() if kwargs is not None: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if callable(v): new_args[k] = v(name) else: new_args[k] = v return new_args def _applyself(self, series): """Internal method, apply ruleset to series. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame timeseries to apply rules to Returns ------- d: OrderedDict Dictionary containing resulting timeseries after applying rules. Keys represent step numbers (0 is the original series, 1 the outcome of rule # 1, etc.) c: OrderedDict Dictionary containing corrections to timeseries based on rules Keys represent step numbers(1 contains the corrections based on rule # 1, etc.). When no correction is available, step contains the value 0. """ name = d, c = {}, {} # store results, corrections d[0] = series for i, irule in enumerate(self.rules.values(), start=1): # if apply_to is int, apply to that series if isinstance(irule["apply_to"], int): # parse dict, if callable call func and use result as kwarg arg_dict = self._parse_kwargs(irule["kwargs"], name) corr = irule["func"](d[int(irule["apply_to"])], **arg_dict) # store both correction and result d[i] = d[int(irule["apply_to"])] + corr c[i] = corr.loc[corr != 0.0].copy() # if apply_to is tuple, collect series as kwargs to func elif isinstance(irule["apply_to"], tuple): # collect results collect_args = [] for n in irule["apply_to"]: collect_args.append(d[n]) # parse dict, if callable call func and use result as kwarg arg_dict = self._parse_kwargs(irule["kwargs"], name) # apply func with collected results # store both correction and result d[i] = irule["func"](*collect_args, **arg_dict) c[i] = np.zeros(1) else: raise TypeError("Value of 'apply_to' must be int or tuple " f"of ints. Got '{irule['apply_to']}'") return d, c def get_rule(self, istep=None, stepname=None): if istep is not None: istepname = self.get_step_name(istep) irule = self.rules[istepname] elif stepname is not None: irule = self.rules[stepname] else: raise ValueError("Provide one of 'istep' or 'stepname'!") return irule def get_func(self, istep=None, stepname=None): irule = self.get_rule(istep=istep, stepname=stepname) return irule["func"] def get_applyto(self, istep=None, stepname=None): irule = self.get_rule(istep=istep, stepname=stepname) return irule["applyto"] def get_kwargs(self, istep=None, stepname=None, kwarg_name=None): irule = self.get_rule(istep=istep, stepname=stepname) arg_dict = self._parse_kwargs(irule["kwargs"], name=kwarg_name) return arg_dict
[docs] def to_pickle(self, fname, verbose=True): """Write RuleSet to disk as pickle. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path of file verbose : bool, optional prints message when operation complete, default is True See also -------- from_pickle : load RuleSet from pickle file to_json : store RuleSet as json file (does not support custom functions) from_json : load RuleSet from json file """ import pickle rules = deepcopy(self.rules) rules["name"] = with open(fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(rules, f) if verbose: print(f"RuleSet written to file: '{fname}'")
[docs] @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, fname): """Load RuleSet object form pickle file. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path to file Returns ------- RuleSet RuleSet object, including custom functions and parameters See also -------- to_pickle : store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions) to_json : store RuleSet as json file (does not support custom functions) from_json : load RuleSet from json file """ import pickle with open(fname, "rb") as f: rules = pickle.load(f) rs = cls(name=rules.pop("name")) rs.rules.update(rules) return rs
[docs] def to_json(self, fname, verbose=True): """Write RuleSet to disk as json file. Note that it is not possible to write custom functions to a JSON file. When writing the JSON only the name of the function is stored. When loading a JSON file, the function name is used to search within `traval.rulelib`. If the function can be found, it loads that function. A RuleSet making use of functions in the default rulelib. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path to file verbose : bool, optional prints message when operation complete, default is True See also -------- from_json : load RuleSet from json file to_pickle : store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions) from_pickle : load RuleSet from pickle file """ msg = ("Custom functions will not be preserved when storing " "RuleSet as JSON file!") warnings.warn(msg) rules = deepcopy(self.rules) rules["name"] = if not fname.endswith(".json"): raise ValueError("Filename requires '.json' as extension!") with open(fname, "w") as f: json.dump(rules, f, indent=4, cls=RuleSetEncoder) if verbose: print(f"RuleSet written to file: '{fname}'")
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, fname): """Load RuleSet object from JSON file. Attempts to load functions in the RuleSet by searching for the function name in traval.rulelib. If the function cannot be found, only the name of the function is preserved. This means a RuleSet with custom functions will not be fully functional when loaded from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or path to file Returns ------- RuleSet: RuleSet object See also -------- to_json : store RuleSet as JSON file (does not support custom functions) to_pickle : store RuleSet as pickle (supports custom functions) from_pickle : load RuleSet from pickle file """ with open(fname, "r") as f: data = json.load(f, object_hook=ruleset_hook) name = data.pop("name") rset = cls(name=name) for k, v in data.items(): rset.add_rule(k, v['func'], apply_to=v['apply_to'], kwargs=v["kwargs"]) return rset