Source code for traval.ts_utils

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def mask_corrections_as_nan(series, mask): """Get corrections series with NaNs where mask == True. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series timeseries to provide corrections for mask : DateTimeIndex or boolean np.array DateTimeIndex containing timestamps where value should be set to NaN, or boolean array with same length as series set to True where value should be set to NaN. (Uses pandas .loc[mask] to set values.) Returns ------- c : pd.Series return corrections series """ c = pd.Series( index=series.index, data=np.zeros(series.index.size), fastpath=True, dtype=float, ) c.loc[mask] = np.nan return c
[docs]def resample_short_series_to_long_series(short_series, long_series): """Resample a short timeseries to index from a longer timeseries. First uses 'ffill' then 'bfill' to fill new series. Parameters ---------- short_series : pd.Series short timeseries long_series : pd.Series long timeseries Returns ------- new_series : pd.Series series with index from long_series and data from short_series """ new_series = pd.Series(index=long_series.index, dtype=float) for i, idatetime in enumerate(short_series.index): mask = long_series.index >= idatetime if mask.sum() == 0: continue first_date_after = long_series.loc[mask].index[0] new_series.loc[first_date_after] = short_series.iloc[i] new_series = new_series.fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill") return new_series
[docs]def diff_with_gap_awareness(series, max_gap="7D"): """Get diff of timeseries with a limit on gap between two values. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series timeseries to calculate diff for max_gap : str, optional maximum period between two observations for calculating diff, otherwise set value to NaN, by default "7D" Returns ------- diff : pd.Series timeseries with diff, with NaNs whenever two values are farther apart than max_gap. """ diff = series.diff() # identify gaps and set diff value after gap to nan dt = series.index[1:] - series.index[:-1] mask = np.r_[np.array([False]), dt > pd.Timedelta(max_gap)] for idate in series.index[mask]: diff.loc[idate] = np.nan return diff
[docs]def spike_finder(series, threshold=0.15, spike_tol=0.15, max_gap="7D"): """Find spikes in timeseries. Spikes are sudden jumps in the value of a timeseries that last 1 timestep. They can be both negative or positive. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series timeseries to find spikes in threshold : float, optional the minimum size of the jump to qualify as a spike, by default 0.15 spike_tol : float, optional offset between value of timeseries before spike and after spike, by default 0.15. After a spike, the value of the timeseries is usually close to but not identical to the value that preceded the spike. Use this parameter to control how close the value has to be. max_gap : str, optional only considers observations within this maximum gap between measurements to calculate diff, by default "7D". Returns ------- upspikes, downspikes : pandas.DateTimeIndex pandas DateTimeIndex objects containing timestamps of upward and downward spikes. """ # identify gaps and set diff value after gap to nan diff = diff_with_gap_awareness(series, max_gap=max_gap) diff_up = diff.copy() diff_up.loc[diff < 0.0] = np.nan diff_down = diff.copy() diff_down.loc[diff > 0.0] = np.nan # Find spikes: # find up and down spike moments and mark when change in # head after spike is less than spike_tol spike_up = (diff_up.iloc[1:-1] + diff_down.values[2:]).abs() spike_up.loc[spike_up > spike_tol] = np.nan spike_down = (diff_down.iloc[1:-1] + diff_up.values[2:]).abs() spike_down.loc[spike_down > spike_tol] = np.nan # Mask spikes to only include large ones # use spike moments from above and check whether # jump in head is larger than threshold. upspikes = ( diff.loc[spike_up.dropna().index] .where(lambda s: s > threshold) .dropna() ) downspikes = ( diff.loc[spike_down.dropna().index] .where(lambda s: s < -threshold) .dropna() ) return upspikes, downspikes
[docs]def bandwidth_moving_avg_n_sigma(series, window, n): """Calculate bandwidth around timeseries based moving average + n * std. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series series to calculate bandwidth for window : int number of observations to consider for moving average n : float number of standard deviations from moving average for bandwidth Returns ------- bandwidth : pd.DataFrame dataframe with 2 columns, with lower and upper bandwidth """ avg = series.rolling(window).mean() nstd = series.std() * n bandwidth = pd.DataFrame(index=series.index) bandwidth["lower_{}_sigma".format(n)] = avg - nstd bandwidth["upper_{}_sigma".format(n)] = avg + nstd return bandwidth
[docs]def interpolate_series_to_new_index(series, new_index): """Interpolate timeseries to new DateTimeIndex. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series original series new_index : DateTimeIndex new index to interpolate series to Returns ------- si : pd.Series new series with new index, with interpolated values """ # interpolate to new index s_interp = np.interp( new_index, series.index.asi8, series.values, left=np.nan, right=np.nan ) si = pd.Series(index=new_index, data=s_interp, dtype=float, fastpath=True) return si
[docs]def unique_nans_in_series(series, *args): """Get mask where NaNs in series are unique compared to other series. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series identify unique NaNs in series *args any number of pandas.Series Returns ------- mask : pd.Series mask with value True where NaN is unique to series """ mask = series.isna() for s in args: if not isinstance(s, pd.Series): raise ValueError("Only supports pandas Series") mask = mask & ~s.isna() return mask
[docs]def create_synthetic_raw_timeseries(raw_series, truth_series, comments): """Create synthetic raw timeseries. Updates 'truth_series' (where values are labelled with a comment) with values from raw_series. Used for removing unlabeled changes between a raw and validated timeseries. Parameters ---------- raw_series : pd.Series timeseries with raw data truth_series : pd.Series timeseries with validated data comments : pd.Series timeseries with comments. Index must be same as 'truth_series'. When value does not have a comment it must be an empty string: ''. Returns ------- s : pd.Series synthetic raw timeseries, same as truth_series but updated with raw_series where value has been commented. """ if truth_series.index.symmetric_difference(comments.index).size > 0: raise ValueError("'truth_series' and 'comments' must have same index!") # get intersection of index (both need to have data) idx_in_both = raw_series.dropna().index.intersection(truth_series.index) # get obs with comments mask_comments = comments.loc[idx_in_both] != "" # create synthetic raw series synth_raw = truth_series.loc[idx_in_both].copy() synth_raw.loc[mask_comments] = raw_series.loc[idx_in_both].loc[ mask_comments ] return synth_raw
def shift_series_forward_backward(s, freqstr="1D"): n = int(freqstr[:-1]) if freqstr[:-1].isnumeric() else 1 freq = freqstr[-1] if freqstr[:-1].isalpha() else "D" shift_forward = s.shift(periods=n, freq=freq) shift_backward = s.shift(periods=-n, freq=freq) return pd.concat([shift_backward, s, shift_forward], axis=1) def smooth_upper_bound(b, smoothfreq="1D"): smoother = shift_series_forward_backward(b, freqstr=smoothfreq) return smoother.max(axis=1) def smooth_lower_bound(b, smoothfreq="1D"): smoother = shift_series_forward_backward(b, freqstr=smoothfreq) return smoother.min(axis=1)